
09 May 2023 Construction EasyMax 3 in progress with transport bow section

At the Royal Niestern Sander shipyard, Wagenborg has transported the bow ship section of EasyMax 3 from the construction hall to the quayside. Yard number 853 for Royal Wagenborg and affiliated partners is the third vessel of the Easymax ship type.

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03 May 2023 EasyMax journal: episode 9

In this episode, supervisors Harbert Bruggers and Anne Dijkman tell everything about the progress of the construction process and project manager Alwin Huisman explains the ship's main engine.

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23 April 2023 Metsä Group and Royal Wagenborg agree on a common goal to reduce carbon dioxide emissions

Metsä Group and the Dutch shipping company Royal Wagenborg have agreed to cooperate in reducing the climate impact of maritime transport. The goal is to reduce carbon dioxide emissions in sea transport of Metsä Group products by 30 percent per ton/mile by 2030 when compared to 2021.

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19 April 2023 MV Egbert Wagenborg awarded as ‘First Salty’ at Port of Windsor

Wagenborg is proud to announce that the MV Egbert Wagenborg has been awarded the Friendship Coin by Harbour Master Peter Berry for being the first ocean-going foreign vessel (also known as a 'First Salty') to arrive at the Port of Windsor (Ontario, Canada) in 2023.

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06 April 2023 EasyMax journal: episode 8

Section construction of the EasyMax III is progressing well, says Supervisor Section Construction Harbert Bruggers. Ironworker Michael certainly contributed to this. He and his colleagues build the sections and help Wolfard & Wessels install their piping.

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30 March 2023 Combining strengths to transport a skid to the Middle East

By combining various in-house logistic services and equipment, Wagenborg can be considered a one-stop shop for a custom logistic solution. Recently, Wagenborg Towage and Wagenborg Nedlift joined forces when loading a skid in Farmsum, the Netherlands, destined for the Middle East.

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09 March 2023 EasyMax journal: episode 7

The construction of our third EasyMax is well on schedule, according to Alwin Huisman (Project Coordinator at the Niestern Sander shipyard). HSE Coordinator Alex Groothuis keeps a close eye on safety and Purchaser Johan Beuving has started purchasing thousands of things.

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21 February 2023 mv Alaskaborg ships wind turbine components to the Netherlands

Recently the mv Alaskaborg loaded various wind turbine components in Tallinn for the Netherlands, such as boat landings and access platforms.

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07 February 2023 EasyMax journal 6: this is how we build ships

In this edition of the EasyMax news, production manager Mark Brugmans explains the outline of a ship's production process and what role suppliers play in this. Bert Adema (PPG) and Bob Meendering (Eekels TBI) then demonstrate this in practice.

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Read more about our work in TIMES magazine

Times #23 (2024)

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Table of contents:

  • A conversation with Offshore director Edwin de Vries about the new KINGSBORG: “contract-based offshore is the future!”

  • 125 years of Wagenborg in pictures

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Times #22 (2023)

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Table of contents:

  • In conversation with Rob Wagenborg about growing up in a family business
  • Choices in the Wadden area: "Do you adapt the environment on ships or the other way around?"

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Times #21 (2022)

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Table of contents:

  • Why working at a family business is interesting!
  • “Working relationships between employer and employee are about love and loyalty.”

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