CO2 reduction

We are committed to achieve a better climate and environment. We follow our 5-track roadmap towards 2050 to achieve our CO2 reduction targets.

Compared to other modes of transport, ocean shipping can transport larger volumes of cargo with relatively low CO2 emissions and other air pollutants. Seabourne transport is anticipated to grow further in the future as a result of a growing world economy. CO2 emissions from merchant vessels account for about 3% of global emissions and the shipping industry must do its part to reduce the emission of greenhouse gasses. The IMO has stated clear ambitions to reduce future CO2 emissions. We fully embrace these ambitions.

CO2 reduction targets

Wagenborg takes an active part in the shipping and transport de-carbonizing energy transition. Together with our stakeholders we accept sustainability challenges to reduce our carbon footprint, resulting in CO2 reduction targets.

  • By 2030 reduce our carbon intensity (emissions in gCO2/t[nm]) by 40% from a 2008 baseline

  • By 2024 reduce our carbon intensity (emissions in gCO2/t[nm]) by 20% from a 2008 baseline

A roadmap towards 2050 to comply with CO2 reduction targets and goals

We follow our 5-track roadmap towards 2050 to comply with CO2 reduction targets and goals.

  • Fuel efficiency: We have installed live data software on board to improve fuel efficiency.

  • Transition fuels: we use drop-in transition fuels where possible: B7 bio diesel for our ferries and GTL on our offshore fleet.

  • Research into new fuels: we are researching alternative fuels that will help us reach the decarbonisation goals.

  • Convert existing fleet: our fourth step is to convert existing vessels to use alternative green fuels.

  • Replace fleet: we will continue to build and implement vessels that are able to use renewable fuels.

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