WATER Program wins Brandon Hall Gold and Silver Awards
27 August 2024

WATER Program wins Brandon Hall Gold and Silver Awards

Wagenborg Crew Management’s WATER Program has won both a Gold and a Silver award at the prestigious Brandon Hall Group HCM Excellence Awards. We are proud of this recognition of our commitment to maintain the best possible standards for the crews at Wagenborg Shipping.

The Brandon Hall Group is a leading organisation and education provider in the field of Human Capital Management (HCM). As a research and advisory firm, it offers the essential insights, tools, and strategies that organisations need to achieve their goals. Each year, they host the HCM Excellence Awards, which exclusively evaluate entries from corporate training, learning, talent, HR, diversity, equity and inclusion, and sales enablement. In 2024, WAGENBORG, in collaboration with ATRIA, entered our WATER Program for this award.

The WATER Program’s success in bridging leadership and company values

Our own employees developed the WATER Program in close cooperation with Mr Roman Heil and Mrs Sien Luyten from ATRIA Learning, along with Mr Thomas Zeferer and Mr Pim Bolt from Lloyds.


We have created a program that links growth in personal leadership development to our company mission, identity, and way of working. Our aim is to enhance people management and create a deeper understanding between the board and the operational departments, resulting in a safer working environment.


In just five successful one-week sessions held across the globe, we reached over 300 of our officers and office employees as participants. Our own colleagues, supported by ATRIA and Lloyds, facilitated the sessions. We will reach 450 participants with two more sessions planned for this and next year.


Our innovative approach, connecting company goals to individual goals, has led to the Brandon Hall Group awarding Wagenborg Shipping a Gold and Silver award for our WATER Program. We are proud of this achievement, which confirms our high standards.


The award also recognises the contributions of all our seafarers and office staff who have taken part in the WATER Program, and those who will do so in the future. Your enthusiasm, input, and ideas have been invaluable in helping us succeed.


A great thank you, from us,

The WATER Program Team


  • Mark Hoving 
  • Theo Klimp 
  • Cees Horvers 
  • Nick Bolt 
  • Johan Krijnsen 
  • Piter Oosterhof 
  • Eldert Heijkoop

ATRIA Learning

  • Roman Heil 
  • Sien Luyten

Lloyds Training 

  • Thomas Zeferer 
  • Pim Bolt

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