The Waterstraat, built in 2008 at Damen Shipyards, was docked at the Royal Niestern Sander shipyard in Delfzijl. Here, the crew, the shipyard, local suppliers and Wagenborg superintendent performed a variety of maintenance and repair works on the 15-year-old tug.
The hull of the Waterstraat has been completely brought into excellent condition. For this, the hull have been fully blasted and coated under the supervision of a paint-manufacturers inspector. Also, the machinery of the vessel was completely overhauled, inspected and tested. This included the main engine, auxiliary engines and thrusters. In addition, all electrical equipment, nautical equipment and deck equipment such as the crane and winches, were fully inspected.
Wagenborg always has set high-quality standards for her versatile fleet of tug boats vessels: it is all about reliability and flexibility for our customers. In the upcoming weeks also the tug boats ‘Waterman’ and ‘Waterstroom’ will receive a special survey.